[SOLD OUT] Cayuga Duck Hatching Eggs
$102.00 – $128.00
We’re smitten with Cayuga Ducks. Their eggs are absolutely delicious and a taproot of the rainbow basket ranging from black to gray when they first start laying to shades of pearl through the year. More below…
We love ducks and ducklings, and their eggs are absolutely delicious and a taproot of the rainbow basket ranging from black to gray to pearl.
The adults are fun to have around the yard, and not too hard to keep with a small baby pool or two. They are full of funny little antics, smooches, and shakes. They love to roam and free range, even or especially in the rain, and are generally less destructive to growing vegetation than other yard birds. (Now, if you get a great deluge and there’s puddles in your yard, different story. They will become swimmy little opportunists and stick their beaks straight into the mud. Everywhere.) The ducklings are beyond adorable.
Expect the first eggs of the season to be nearly black, deep gray, and a light pearlescent gray— the shades of the moon. They will fade to a light pearlish gray over the season and are large and delicious.
Duck eggs require a 28 day incubation, and chicks should be closely monitored around shallow water for the first month, until they can produce the oil that helps them be so buoyant.
Additional information
Quantity | 6 ducklings, 8 ducklings |