[SOLD OUT] Rainbow Egg Hatching Egg Mix 14 (12 +2)
We firmly beleive your best bet to establish foundation stock is day old chicks, but for our die-hard hatchers we’re offering a Spring 2025 run of hatching eggs in a mixed rainbow egg box, pulling the best of all of our pens. On offer is a box of 14 (12+2) pure breed and experimental cross rainbow eggs selected breeders choice, shipping in the order of paid sales between mid January through mid April 2025. If you order a quantity of 2, you’ll receive a box of 26 (24 +2), no change in shipping.
Here’s what you can expect:
- Black Copper Marans (our ‘purple copper’ line)
- Mauve backcrosses (Marans/Orpington/Langshan multigen lineage, variety of black and Splash plumage)
- Backcrossed Dark Olives: Olive egger backcrosses to deepen pigmentation (BC1, BC2, BC3, BC4+, back under Purple Copper males)
- Backcrossed dark Olives: Olive egger backcrosses to enrich the blue eggshell (BC1, BC2, BC3, BC4+, back under Ermine Ameraucana)
- Welsummer (pure or F1 oe)
- Ameraucana (pure, possibility of hatching solid Black, Ermine, Splash, Barred)
Choose your shipping at check out: double boxed and shipped Priority, or single boxed shipped Priority Express.
We’ll notify you before your ship week comes along in early Spring!
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