Olive Egger Pullet
We have a plethora of pullets on ground this year, and can share a few before we build our breeding pens for next year. Pullets are females close to the point of lay, and are some kind of later gen and/or backcrossed cross between Black Copper Marans, Legbar, Ameraucana, born of multiple generations.
Plumage can be black, black copper, blue, blue copper, splash, paint. Features include muffs, beards, crests, and/or feathered shanks.
Eggs can be sage green to bright green to very dark olive, sometimes with speckles and bloom.
It’s the luck of the draw— I never know who will give what shade until she actually starts laying!
Note: local pickup is preferred. Please choose local pickup at checkout for $0 shipping fee.
Shipping is expensive on juvenile birds, calculated by USPS Priority Express by weight. One or two pullets can fit in a special live bird box and I charge $150 flat rate. If costs to your location are more I will cover them.
Please do not order more than 2 pullets per transaction! 😉
Pictures coming soon!
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