
We’re a small Ohio homestead offering rare breeds and heritage crosses.
From time to time, we feature fiber art & things we forage, ferment, and fabricate.
Breeding for Pigments & Bloom in SW Ohio!
Our program is based upon a closed line of Black Copper Marans that is selected for the SOP and a deep red and purple pigmentation in egg color. This line often throws a heavy bloom which appears purple, and is the foundation for all of our heritage crosses. We also keep Ameraucana and the American Bresse for the table.
We ship a limited number of hatching eggs in early spring followed by day old chicks, ducklings, and live quail— shipping weekly from ‘the heart of it all’ in Ohio, late March through mid October. We’re NPIP & AI clean. Please read our policies before ordering, you agree to them at the point of sale.
Thanks for looking to us to better your rainbow egg basket, we appreciate you!

Featured Breeds
Featured Breed: Ermine Ameraucana$23.00 – $225.00
Featured Cross: Backcrossed Olive Eggers (BC1-BC4ish)$23.00 – $110.00
[SOLD OUT] ‘Purple Copper’ Black Copper Marans Heavy Bloom line$42.00 – $225.00
Skip the chicks, let us grow out for you!
[Summer 2025] Black Ameraucana Pullet$125.00
[Summer 2025] Dark Olive Egger Backcrossed to Blue Pullet$100.00
[Summer 2025] Dark Olive Egger Backcrossed to Marans Pullet$100.00
[Summer 2025] Ermine Ameraucana Pullet$125.00
[Summer 2025] Purple Copper heavy bloom line Black Copper Marans Pullet$225.00
[Summer-Fall 2025] ‘Purple Copper’ Juvenile Black Copper Marans Male$175.00