Ermine Ameraucana Day Old Chick (straight run)
We’ve been working on our Ermine Ameraucana line since fall of 2021 through a line cross of Becky Pelton’s experimental ‘ermine’ Ameraucana project hens and Brad Stonebarger’s quality standard bred black Ameraucana. A few generations later, we’re seeing good type and conformation, crisp co-dominant black and white plumage, more-than-ample muffs and beards, and eggs that register as A7, A9, A11, and A15 on the Ameraucana Alliance egg color reference chart, with an occasional saturated B2, B6 or C5.
We’re liking what we are producing in subsequent generations and you know what that means— we’re finally ready to offer them to our friends! Details on our pen set-up and more photos coming soon…
Presales for 2025 open Dec 21, 2024.